Why I’d Rather Study Data Analytics and Data Engineering than Data Science.

2 min readJul 19, 2021

I’m no longer pursuing data science.

My story transitions now into data analytics.

I just don’t think that taking the time to learn more data science(ML algorithms, more advance stats and math, etc) has the payoff that I’m looking for. Hear me out.

  1. It seems like data science is more generally a luxury for companies, many companies actually don’t even need the complexity of what data scientists and ML engineer do. So when things get bad, or results don’t come, data scientists are the first to go.
  2. You’re overqualified for a lot of jobs at companies that you’d actually love to be working at, which wastes a lot of the time that you spent learning niche data science skills.
  3. Data Engineering and Data Analyst Skills are much more needed in the hierarchy of needs. This goes back to my first 2 points, for a lot of companies(especially startups, unless its AI or DS focused), data engineering and analyst skills are much more needed to help the business function and grow. Other than that, you can spend some free time studying data science skills.

I feel like data science is a privileged field. Sorry if I offend you. If you have a family to feed, or bills to pay, you really don’t have enough time to get into the field. Yes, you can work hard and get through it, but if you need a safer, quicker route to find meaningful and applicable work, analyst/engineering is the way to go.

Tldr; Frustrated pursuer of data science hates on the field.

