Buying Freedom

2 min readAug 12, 2021

Here’s what I’ve been thinking about lately.

Let’s say you’re a normal person, and by normal I mean in terms of how much money you have. You haven’t inherited an exorbitant amount of money from family or complete luck. Basically I mean me and 7 billion other people.

What I have been thinking about is, wanting freedom. Wanting to be able to go to the Maldives, wanting to eat at a fancy steak restaurant without worrying, wanting to do something cool, write a blog, build a website, anything without the feeling of, will this help me pay my bills?

On the flip side, not to be a bummer, in the blink of an eye, you could lose your job, your skills could become obsolete, you could develop something horrible with your health.

I wish we didn’t have to face these heavy things. To have the freedom to feel happiness without the heaviness of thinking about money, health, and surviving.

Honestly, I think that we all do. In fact, you’ve probably thought about it once or twice in the past few days.

I’m not saying that we shouldn’t take charge of our responsibilities, or that anyone has it easier or harder than another person, or any of the above.

I just want to make one thing clear.

We all are trying our best to be happy, some of us may falter, some of us may go down different paths. But let’s not forget. When given an over-abundance of happiness, it’s human nature to share that happiness with others, which makes us more happy.

We’re all just trying to get by.

Let’s do our best to forgive, love others, and love ourselves.

